We unlock a world of potential
We are represented by distributors across the world who are experts on our innovative technology and who can help you with installation, training, service and support. Our distributors also supply consumables and spare parts. If you are outside the current distribution network, please let us know; we are continuously expanding.
Welcome to Coloreel and a world of potential!
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Ukraine,
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
ACG Nyström AB
Richard Carlsson,
+46 (0)33178831
Website: www.acgnystrom.se
UK and Ireland
AJS Embroidery Services Ltd.
Tony Dorsey
07803 744583, info@ajsemb.uk
Sean Barker
07507997135, sean@ajsemb.uk
Tracy Thomson
0115 945 9460, tracy@ajsemb.uk
Website: www.ajs-embroidery.co.uk
Germany, Denmark, Austria,
Barudan Stickmaschinen GmbH
(German-speaking part)
Torsten Preiss
+49 162 39 11 999
Website: www.barudan.de
France, Belgium, Luxembourg,
BGA Diffusion SARL
(French-speaking part)
Olivier Gireaux
+33 325 49 93 42
Website: www.bgadiffusion.fr
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Spain and Portugal
Grupo FB Maquinaria S.A
Francisco Fandos
+34 963 597 199,
Website: www.grupofb.es
Hirsch Solutions
Ed Levy
Adam McGrath
Website: www.hsi.us
Italy and Switzerland
Mats Sjögren
+46 702918760
Netherlands and Belgium
Pals Print & Screen B.V.
(Dutch-speaking part)
Anton Pals
+31 653 291 467, anton@palsprint.com
Bas Pals
+31 653 244 879, bas@palsprint.com
Website: www.palsprint.com
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